Eastside Portland Lacrosse (EPL) is a nonprofit recreational youth lacrosse program for boys and girls in grades 1-8 that encompasses N, NE and SE Portland addresses. Spring season typically runs from mid-March through May and involves 2 practices/week plus a game. EPL has multiple teams at each level that play in its spring league. During this season, EPL also offers a select lacrosse program for boys in 5th-8th grade and a gold program for girls in 5th-8th grade.
In addition to its spring lacrosse season, EPL runs a fall scrimmage league that meets once/week, and an a winter clinic that also meets once/week, to help players improve their skills and is a great introduction to the game for beginners !
EPL is the only youth lacrosse program to offer both boys and girls teams under one umbrella. Most clubs operate separately by gender, which makes EPL a unique program and allows us great opportunity by sharing resources for boys and girls.
Unlike most youth lacrosse programs feeding into one high school, EPL feeds into multiple eastside high schools. The girls program feeds into both Grant and Cleveland depending on the school district you live in and the boys program feeds into Grant. The Grant boys program is not only for Grant athletes but also pulls from any eastside high school that does not have a lacrosse program (Cleveland, Benson, Franklin) which means many of our athletes have the opportunity to play with each each from grade school all the way to high school no matter what school they attend.
Our mission is to provide kids throughout the east side of Portland with an opportunity to learn, enjoy and compete in America's oldest and now fastest growing sport -- the great game of lacrosse.